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Should I Quit YouTube After a Year of Low Subscriber Growth?

I've been posting videos on YouTube for a year now, and I've only managed to get 10 subscribers. I've been putting a lot of effort into my content, posting three times a week and handling everything from scripting to editing all by myself. Despite my hard work, my views have been stagnant, and I'm feeling hopeless about my channel's future. What should I do? Is it time to quit or pivot my approach?

Answers (6)

It's essential to evaluate the type of content you're creating. If your current videos aren't resonating with viewers, it might be worth exploring new topics or formats. Analyze your past videos to see what worked and what didn't, and adjust your strategy accordingly.
Engaging with communities related to your content can boost your visibility. Join Facebook groups or forums where you can share insights, answer questions, and subtly promote your videos when relevant. This kind of engagement can help you gain more subscribers and views.
If you're feeling burned out, take a step back and think about what you genuinely enjoy doing. If you love making videos but find long-form content draining, consider focusing on shorter content like YouTube Shorts. This might reignite your passion and help you reach a new audience.
Quality over quantity can make a significant difference. Instead of posting three times a week, consider reducing your frequency to one high-quality video each week. This allows you to dedicate more time to improving the production value, which could attract more viewers and subscribers.
Improving your skills can have a massive impact on your content. Consider reading books on videography, design, and storytelling. One recommendation is 'The Visual Story' by Bruce Block, which can help you enhance your visual narrative and overall presentation.

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