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What can I expect in terms of subscriber growth during my first month on YouTube?

As a new YouTuber looking to gauge subscriber growth, I'm curious about what others have experienced in their first month. How many subscribers did you gain, and what strategies did you use to grow your channel?

Answers (6)

When I completed my first month, I had around 100 subscribers. I focused heavily on short-form content that I supplemented with longer videos. Posting a clip daily from my longer content helped maintain viewer interest and encouraged subscriptions. It’s been a learning curve, but the engagement from viewers has been encouraging.
After 46 days, I found myself at 97 subscribers and around 25k views. I believe the key was consistency and engagement with my existing audience. I also noticed that my watch hours were increasing steadily, indicating that people were interested in my content. I plan to keep pushing out videos and experimenting with different formats to see what resonates best.
In my first month, I gained about 32 subscribers. I focus on creating comedy sketches related to medieval-themed video games, and I think the humor and niche appeal helped me attract viewers. In the second month, my count rose to 130, but I've noticed my subscriber growth has plateaued recently. It's a reminder that growth can be inconsistent, but I remain optimistic for future growth.
For my first channel, I started in 2012 and gained about 10 subscribers in the initial month, which felt slow but gradually picked up. My second channel, however, has seen about 100 subscribers in a much shorter timeframe. It seems that having some previous experience and understanding of what works helps in accelerating growth, even if the niche is different.
I started my channel about a month ago and managed to rack up 8 subscribers with around 3.7k views across 13 videos. I specialize in historical content, which can be challenging due to the niche nature of the topic. I've learned that it might take longer to build an audience in a specific niche, but I'm committed to improving my content and engaging with viewers.

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