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What are the key lessons learned after one year of running a DIY YouTube channel?

After one year of creating YouTube content centered around DIY projects and furniture flipping, what are the important lessons, mistakes, and insights shared by the creators regarding their journey, growth, and monetization?

Answers (4)

Consistency in uploading content is crucial for growth. The creators started by uploading weekly but experienced burnout due to their busy schedules. They switched to a more sustainable bi-weekly upload schedule, which not only helped them manage their time better but also allowed them to maintain viewer interest without overwhelming themselves.
The importance of thumbnails and titles cannot be overstated. The creators found that well-crafted thumbnails and engaging titles significantly influence the click-through rate (CTR) of their videos. They emphasize that quality should always take precedence over quantity when it comes to video content.
Investing in good equipment can make a difference. The creators began with a poor camera setup and later upgraded to a used mirrorless camera, which improved their video quality. They also learned about the necessity of good lighting and external storage solutions for their content creation process.
One significant lesson learned is the importance of using the right music in videos. The creators initially thought they could use 'free songs' from various websites for monetization, only to discover that many of these songs are not eligible for monetization on YouTube. They recommend using music from YouTube's own library or obtaining licenses from reputable sources to avoid copyright issues and ensure that videos remain monetizable.

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