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Why did my video suddenly gain views after being stagnant for days?

I recently posted a video that received very few views initially, but after about 10 days, it suddenly started gaining traction and has now crossed 2k views. I'm curious if this is a common occurrence on YouTube and what might cause such sudden changes in view counts.

Answers (6)

I've had a series of videos that were initially flops but later blew up. For instance, a Let’s Play series I uploaded sat with fewer than 100 views for months, and then out of nowhere, each video in that series gained thousands of views. It's a mystery how the algorithm works, but it's definitely possible for videos to gain traction long after they're posted.
Congratulations on your views! I recently had a similar experience where my video initially peaked at around 100 views but then saw a dramatic increase to 8k views just a few days later. It’s baffling but shows that if your content is good and engages viewers, it can still find its audience over time.
I've also had videos that sat at low views for a while before suddenly getting a lot of attention. For example, one of my videos started with under 30 views for over a week but then jumped to over 200 views in just two days, and I didn't change anything. This unpredictable nature of the algorithm can be frustrating but also exciting.
The phenomenon of videos gaining views long after their upload is something I've seen happen multiple times. It can be perplexing, and I often wonder what triggers the algorithm to promote certain videos days or weeks after they were released. It's a reminder that consistency and patience are key in this journey.
I've experienced similar situations where my videos didn't take off right away. One of my most viewed videos sat quietly for a while before YouTube decided to promote it more aggressively. It's like the algorithm sometimes takes its time to assess the content and figure out the right audience before pushing it out. So, don't be discouraged if your video doesn't blow up immediately; it can take time.

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