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What is your experience with the number of videos published and the views you receive?

I'm curious about how many videos you've published on YouTube and what kind of view counts you're typically seeing. I've posted over 60 videos, but only about 40 get views daily, totaling around 600 views each day. How do your numbers compare?

Answers (6)

I have 9 videos posted, with my top three performing between 10,000 and 16,000 views each. However, the rest have under 2,500 views and seem to have plateaued. Creating content in the travel niche is tough, even though I feel my video quality is improving.
I've uploaded 6 videos, with a total of 400,000 views, which was unexpected. My first video from over a year ago didn't perform well, but by continuously tweaking the thumbnails and titles, I managed to significantly improve my click-through rate.
I've published around 150 videos, but I feel like only about 50 of them are worth watching. I usually get between 1,000 to 2,000 views daily, which has been pretty consistent for me. However, I find myself stuck in this range and I'm not sure how to grow beyond it, despite having 1,800 subscribers.
Over the years, I’ve uploaded around 500 videos across several channels. I've had experiences ranging from as few as 5 views to nearly 3 million. My average view count tends to be on the lower side, and it’s been a long journey of ups and downs.
I started my journey with just 4 videos. My first one got a decent 1,000 impressions but only 40 views, and since then, I've struggled to gain traction with my other videos, receiving almost no impressions. It’s been a challenging start, but I'm hoping to improve.

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