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Why are my YouTube Shorts suddenly getting no views?

I've been experiencing a significant drop in views on my YouTube Shorts, going from around 2,000 views to just 5 or 10. Most views now come from YouTube search, and hardly any from feeds. I'm feeling frustrated and confused about this sudden change. What could be causing this drop in visibility, and how can I potentially recover my views?

Answers (6)

Lastly, it’s important to keep an eye on trends. Shorts can be highly influenced by what’s currently trending on the platform. I often check what's popular and see if there's a way to creatively incorporate those trends into my own content. This can lead to increased visibility since more users are searching for and engaging with trending topics.
Engagement metrics are really important. In my experience, if viewers are skipping your videos or not engaging (like, share, comment), it can signal to YouTube that your content isn't resonating. I recommend focusing on creating compelling thumbnails and titles that grab attention. Also, encourage viewers to engage with your content in the video itself, as this can help improve your visibility.
I've definitely been in the same boat, and it can feel like the algorithm suddenly turned against you. One thing I learned is to check if there have been any changes in your niche or content style. If you've shifted your focus even slightly, the algorithm might be confused about who to show your videos to. Try reverting to a format or topic that worked well for you in the past. Sometimes, just a small tweak can help re-engage your audience.
I’ve also read that if a channel has been blacklisted or has suffered a significant algorithmic change, it can lead to a sharp decline in visibility. One creator shared their experience of being blacklisted despite having a solid subscriber base. They noticed that their regular viewers weren’t seeing their content in their feeds, which indicates that the problem might not be with the content itself, but rather with how YouTube is distributing it. If you suspect this might be the case, consider reaching out to YouTube support for clarity.
Another aspect to consider is the competition. The landscape of content creators is always changing, and sometimes, a sudden influx of new creators can dilute the audience. I’ve found that diversifying my content a bit can help me stand out. Try to introduce new themes or formats in your Shorts while still aligning with your core audience's interests.

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