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Why is there a significant discrepancy between YouTube Studio revenue estimates and Google AdSense payouts?

I've been monitoring my YouTube Studio app and it indicates that I've surpassed the $300 threshold for revenue. However, when I checked my Google AdSense account, it only shows $198. I'm confused about why there is such a large difference between the two amounts. Can anyone explain the factors that might contribute to this discrepancy?

Answers (5)

Some users have mentioned that the revenue numbers can lag in updates, especially in Google AdSense. If your YouTube Studio is showing an estimate that hasn't been reflected yet in your actual AdSense account, it could explain why the numbers differ so greatly at a given point in time.
It's also important to note how different revenue sources are calculated. If you receive donations or super chats, YouTube may take a significant portion from those as well. The total revenue displayed in YouTube Studio may include various streams, which could lead to inflated estimates compared to the clearer figures in AdSense.
Another aspect to consider is the geography of your audience. Different regions generate different ad rates, and if your audience is from lower-paying regions, it could significantly impact your actual revenue compared to what YouTube estimates based on general views.
Different types of ads can also yield different revenue rates. For example, ads that viewers skip or don’t fully watch generate less revenue than those that are fully viewed. If your revenue estimate heavily relies on these types of ads, it could drastically affect your actual payout.
One key factor to consider is that YouTube takes a percentage of your earnings before you see the estimated revenue. Typically, YouTube retains 45% of ad revenue, meaning that the estimates you see in YouTube Studio are gross amounts, while the Google AdSense figures reflect your actual earnings after YouTube's cut.

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