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Will Age Restriction Kill My YouTube Channel?

I recently had one of my videos age restricted, and I've seen a significant drop in views since then. Typically, I get between 5-10k views across all my videos in 48 hours, but now I'm down to just 2k. Should I delete the age-restricted video, or can I expect my channel to recover with future uploads?

Answers (4)

I think it's important to evaluate whether the age-restricted content aligns with your channel's brand. If you feel that the video doesn't represent what you want your channel to be about, it might be worth considering deleting it. However, if it’s a critical piece of content that your audience enjoys, you might want to keep it and focus on improving your future videos instead.
I once had a video that got age restricted and my channel's overall performance took a hit. It took a while, but I noticed that my views began to stabilize after a few new uploads that were well-received. So, while it was tough initially, I believe consistent quality content can help you recover over time.
If you decide to keep the video, consider updating your thumbnails and titles for your other videos to attract more views. Engaging with your audience through community posts or comments can help maintain interest in your channel despite the age restriction. Building that connection can keep your viewer base strong.
From my experience, an age restriction can definitely impact your video views, especially if it's a significant part of your content. I had a short that got age restricted after gaining 250K views mainly due to a brief moment that was flagged. Once it was restricted, I noticed a drastic drop in views—about four times less than usual. The issue is that many viewers who aren't logged into YouTube can't see the video at all, which leads to fewer overall views.

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