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Does the country of the AdSense account affect revenue generation?

I'm nearing the monetization requirements for AdSense and I'm based in India, but my audience is primarily from the USA (80%). Will my location impact the revenue I earn through AdSense?

Answers (4)

If you maintain a consistent audience from the USA, your RPM could be higher than if your audience were primarily from countries with lower advertising budgets. This is because advertisers in the US often have larger budgets and are more competitive with their bids for ad placements.
The country of your AdSense account does not directly affect your revenue. Instead, it’s the geographical distribution of your viewers that matters most. If your audience consists mostly of US viewers, your revenue will likely reflect that, regardless of being based in India.
Different countries have varying advertising budgets and strategies, which means that the ads served to your audience will depend on where they are located. Advertisers target specific regions and will pay more for impressions in high-value markets, such as the USA, compared to other regions.
Yes, you are correct that the location of your audience plays a significant role in determining your RPM (Revenue Per Mille) and CPM (Cost Per Mille). Advertisers typically allocate their budgets based on the demographics and locations of their target audience. Since your audience is predominantly from the USA, you can expect higher CPM rates since advertisers are willing to pay more to reach audiences in regions like the USA.

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