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What should I do if my YouTube account was wrongfully terminated?

I recently had my YouTube account terminated for allegedly having NSFW content, which I believe is a mistake. I've already submitted an appeal, but it was rejected. This account holds many memories for me, and I'm desperate to get it back. Are there any steps I can take to recover my account?

Answers (6)

Be cautious of scammers during this process. Ensure you're communicating with the official YouTube support channels and not someone impersonating them. If you're unsure, double-check the accounts you interact with on social media.
If you have any content that might be misconstrued as NSFW, like videos with explicit language or certain game content, consider removing those or making them private. Although it seems unfair, taking these proactive steps might help in your appeal process.
Make sure to gather all necessary information about your account before reaching out. For instance, having a screenshot of your channel URL (the real channel ID, not just the @ alias) can be crucial. When contacting @TeamYouTube, they may ask for this information to verify your identity and account history.
It's important to be aware that many decisions regarding account terminations are made by automated systems, which can sometimes lead to errors. If you believe your account was mistakenly flagged, it's essential to convey this clearly in your communications. The more detailed you are about why you think the termination was a mistake, the better your chances of getting it reviewed by a human.
I know it can be frustrating, but it's also crucial to keep trying with the appeals process. You might want to send another appeal, this time providing even more context about your account and why you think it was wrongfully terminated. Some users have reported having to appeal multiple times before getting a favorable outcome.

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