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Does Using a VPN When Uploading to YouTube Impact Video Performance?

I've been hearing mixed opinions about whether using a VPN while uploading videos to YouTube can negatively affect a creator's performance metrics like impressions and views. Some claim that their videos flatline in views shortly after uploading when they use a VPN. I'm curious if anyone here has experienced similar issues or if it's just a myth. What has been your experience with uploading videos while using a VPN?

Answers (2)

I’ve seen a lot of creators speculate about this issue, and I think it really boils down to personal experience rather than any official guidelines from YouTube. I mean, think about it—travel vloggers upload from different locations all the time without any noticeable impact. So, if you’re just uploading from a different country using a VPN, it shouldn’t cause any problems.
From my experience, I don’t think using a VPN has any significant impact on video performance. I’ve uploaded videos while using a VPN and also without it, and I honestly didn’t notice a difference in how my videos performed. It feels like a lot of these theories stem from coincidences rather than actual rules from YouTube.

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