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Should I build a history on my YouTube account before uploading my first video?

I've heard conflicting advice about whether it's necessary to establish a history on a new YouTube channel before uploading my first video. Some suggest that I should watch related videos for a few days to help YouTube understand my account better, while others believe that's not necessary. What are the best practices for starting a new channel?

Answers (2)

From my experience, it's not essential to build a viewing history on your new account before uploading your first video. What matters more is making sure your account is fully verified. This means linking a phone number and verifying your identity, so YouTube knows you're a legitimate user, not a bot. Once you do that, you can focus on creating your content.
I've found that being active in the communities related to your niche can be far more beneficial than just watching videos on your new account. Engage with potential viewers by commenting, participating in discussions, and sharing your insights. This way, when you do upload your video, you'll already have some initial connections and perhaps even a few subscribers who are interested in what you have to say.

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