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Has the YouTube algorithm been favoring new channels recently?

I've heard that the YouTube algorithm may be giving a boost to newer channels over the past six months. Has anyone with a new channel noticed an increase in impressions or visibility? What has your experience been?

Answers (5)

Algorithms will push your videos even if you're a small channel. However, whether it continues pushing after initial success can vary.
While some might have differing experiences with recommendations, I've seen small channels being promoted more in the suggested videos.
From a viewer's perspective, it seems like the recommended videos often include content from smaller channels.
It would be helpful to see statistics on impressions, like if channels are getting around 10k or even 100k impressions after the algorithm push.
I have a small channel, and I've noticed that a few of my long-form videos have received increased visibility recently. Thumbnails and titles seem crucial for attracting views.

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