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Is hiring an editor worth it for a new YouTube channel?

I'm starting a new YouTube channel and I'm wondering if hiring an editor is a smart move. I have editing software but I find myself slow and not as skilled as professionals. Would it be beneficial to invest in an editor to help produce content more quickly and improve video quality?

Answers (2)

From my experience, having a dedicated editor can significantly enhance the quality of your videos. While it is an investment, the time saved can allow you to focus on content creation rather than the nitty-gritty of editing. I started using a freelancer and found that their skills brought a level of polish that I couldn't achieve on my own.
I recently hired an editor for my channel, and they charge me £20 per long-form video. This has been a game changer for me, as I was previously spending hours on editing. If you're on a budget, consider trying out different editors on platforms like Fiverr or Upwork. You can look through their portfolios to find someone whose style matches your vision.

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