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How can I encourage the algorithm to reconsider my video performance?

I've had a video that initially gained traction but then flatlined in views after a few hours. It's frustrating because I need all my videos to reach at least 1,000 views. What strategies can I use to help the algorithm give my video another chance?

Answers (6)

Another tip is to set aside dedicated time for content creation without checking analytics. I recommend taking a break from the numbers right after releasing a video. For example, you could avoid looking at the stats for a few days and instead concentrate on planning or filming your next project.
Keep in mind that the algorithm can be unpredictable. I've seen videos I thought were done underperforming suddenly pick up traction weeks or even months later. Don't lose hope if a video doesn’t perform as expected right away; sometimes, it just takes time.
Consider promoting your video on other platforms, such as social media. Share your video in relevant groups or forums where potential viewers might be interested. This external traffic can boost your video's visibility and give it a second wind.
It's crucial not to let the analytics consume you. I experienced burnout myself from obsessing over a video’s performance. Instead, focus on creating content without constantly checking how your current videos are doing. This way, you can maintain your creative energy and enthusiasm.
Engaging with your audience can also help. Respond to comments as they come in, which not only boosts your video’s engagement but also helps build a community around your channel. A strong community can encourage more shares and interactions, ultimately improving your video's performance.

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