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How Do YouTube Impressions Work and How Can I Get My Videos Pushed?

I've recently started a new YouTube channel after feeling like my old one was stagnant for over a decade. My new videos aren't getting much visibility, reaching only about 10 people at most. I'm trying to understand how YouTube decides which videos to push. Do I need to focus on getting views for my videos to be recommended? What factors influence whether my videos appear in people's feeds?

Answers (6)

Your thumbnails are crucial. They need to be eye-catching enough to make viewers pause while scrolling. If your thumbnails don't stand out, potential viewers might not even click on your video. Take a look at successful creators in your niche and analyze their thumbnails. What colors, fonts, and images do they use? Incorporating some of these successful elements could significantly improve your click-through rate.
Engagement metrics are critical. You should encourage viewers to like, comment, and subscribe. If your videos are getting engagement, this will signal to YouTube that your content is worth promoting. Ask questions in your videos to spark comments, and consider prompting viewers to share your content. The more interaction your videos get, the better they'll perform in terms of impressions.
One perplexing aspect of YouTube is the visibility of certain channels with seemingly mediocre content. Some smaller channels with basic thumbnails and lengthy videos still show up in my feed. This can be frustrating, but it highlights that different factors, such as viewer retention and engagement, play a significant role. Keep experimenting with your content to find what works best for your audience.
YouTube uses a complex algorithm to determine which videos to promote. Essentially, they are looking for videos that they believe viewers will enjoy. If your video doesn't resonate with viewers right away, it may not get the impressions you want. Focus on creating engaging content that keeps viewers watching. The more people engage with your video, the more likely YouTube is to push it.
It's also important to note that YouTube's algorithm is heavily influenced by the user's viewing habits. YouTube tends to recommend videos that are similar to what viewers have already watched and engaged with. This means that if your content is not aligned with what your target audience is already consuming, it will be harder for your videos to gain traction. Try to identify and target your audience more effectively.

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