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How can I ensure my YouTube Shorts have the right audio volume?

As I create YouTube Shorts, I'm concerned about the audio levels in my videos. I want to avoid uploading content that’s either too quiet or overly loud. Since I can't find a volume edit option in YouTube Studio for Shorts, what are some effective ways to check and adjust the volume before uploading?

Answers (2)

Before uploading, make sure you're using the right editing software that allows you to manipulate audio levels effectively. It's crucial to apply audio compression techniques to ensure a balanced sound throughout the video. This process will help in normalizing the audio, making it sound more professional and consistent. YouTube generally normalizes audio to around -14db, which means if your audio exceeds this level, it could be reduced by YouTube, potentially affecting the quality.
One effective way to check the audio level of your videos is to use the 'Stats for Nerds' feature on YouTube. When you play your video on a computer, right-click on the video and select this option. A menu will appear with various stats, including 'content loudness.' Aim for around 0db for your audio levels. If the level is too high, YouTube will automatically reduce the volume, which can lead to distortion, and if it's too low, your video will end up being too quiet.

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