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Why Do My YouTube Shorts Get More Views Than Long-Form Videos?

I've started creating YouTube Shorts using clips from my long-form videos, and I'm baffled by the fact that the Shorts are getting significantly more views. What factors contribute to this phenomenon?

Answers (2)

One major factor is the way the Shorts algorithm works. It seems to prioritize content regardless of channel size or history, which means even smaller creators can reach a broader audience. With Shorts, I can share a quick, engaging moment that people can consume in just seconds, compared to the commitment required for a longer video.
Another aspect is the viewing behavior of audiences. People are more inclined to scroll through Shorts without much thought, often consuming many in a short period. For example, in just 10 minutes, I can watch 50 or even 100 Shorts, while I might only manage to watch one or two long-form videos. This low commitment leads to more views overall.

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