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Is it a good idea to have multiple niches on my YouTube channel?

I recently started my YouTube channel focusing on gardening and homesteading, but I'm also interested in sharing book-related content like reviews and TBR lists. I'm concerned about whether mixing these topics will confuse my audience or hurt my channel's growth. Can anyone share their experiences with managing multiple niches on the same channel?

Answers (6)

First off, congrats on starting your channel! It's still early days for you, and having around 70 subscribers in just three weeks is an awesome start. The main thing to remember is that since you're new, you have the freedom to experiment. Trying out the book content could be a fun way to see if it resonates with your current audience. If it doesn't work out, you can always pivot back to your primary niche.
I'm in a similar boat, thinking about starting a channel that combines home projects and my niche interests, like book discussions. While it might seem like a challenge to find a target demographic, I think if you're passionate about both niches, you'll attract an audience that appreciates your diverse content. A loyal fanbase can emerge from simply being yourself and sharing what you love.
One potential downside to mixing niches is that your audience might not engage with all the content equally. For example, if your gardening fans are uninterested in your book reviews, they might skip those videos. This can send negative feedback signals to YouTube, which could impact how your channel is promoted. Larger creators have a buffer because they have a more established audience, but as a smaller creator, it might take more effort to maintain engagement across very different topics.
Consider finding a way to bridge the two niches. For example, you could create videos about gardening-themed books or do reviews of books that focus on homesteading and self-sufficiency. This way, you can keep your existing audience engaged while also introducing them to new content that you enjoy.
It's important to remember that the algorithm is just one part of your channel's success. If you produce content that you are genuinely passionate about, it will shine through and likely attract viewers who share your interests. Authenticity goes a long way in building a community, even if it means straying from a strict niche.

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