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Is it Effective to Delete and Repost Underperforming Videos on YouTube?

I've been experimenting with my YouTube channel and I've noticed that some of my videos don’t perform well at first. After watching some tips, I decided to delete and repost one of my videos that only got 10 views in its first week. Surprisingly, when I reposted it, it gained over 5,000 views! However, I'm concerned about the long-term effects of this strategy. Is it wise to keep doing this, or could it lead to getting shadow banned or being viewed as spam by YouTube's algorithm?

Answers (2)

From my experience, the YouTube algorithm really doesn't seem to favor deleting and reposting videos. I tried it a couple of times as well, and while I didn't notice any immediate negative effects, there are others who have suggested it could hurt your overall channel performance. It might be better to focus on optimizing your existing content instead of constantly deleting.
I've tested this approach myself, and it worked wonders for me! I had a video that barely got 30 views, and after making it private and reposting it with a slight tweak in format, it exploded to over 500 views. I think the key is to change something significant about the video—like the thumbnail, title, or description—to attract a new audience.

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