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Should I delete my video with more dislikes than likes?

I have a video on my channel that currently has more dislikes than likes, and I'm wondering whether I should delete it or keep it posted. Will the dislikes negatively impact my channel's algorithm, or is it worth keeping since it still gains some likes?

Answers (5)

It's also important to remember that dislikes don't necessarily mean your content is bad. They can reflect a variety of factors, including audience expectations or niche interests. Instead of deleting, think about how you can leverage the feedback to improve future videos.
Consider the long-term impact of deleting a video. If it's generating views and some likes, it can still be part of your overall content strategy. The algorithm often favors engagement, and as long as the video isn't harming your brand, it might be better to leave it up.
In my experience, the decision to delete a video should be based on its content rather than the dislike ratio alone. If your video doesn't contain any illegal content, hate speech, misinformation, or anything that could harm your channel's reputation, I would suggest keeping it. Videos can still gather views and engagement, which can be beneficial for your channel.
If the dislikes are significantly affecting your mental health or your motivation to create content, that might be a reason to consider deleting it. However, try to focus on the positives and the potential growth from that video, even if it has a negative like-dislike ratio.
I've had videos that I thought were bad and had a lot of dislikes, but I kept them up anyway. They still contribute to channel engagement and can sometimes lead to new subscribers who appreciate other content you create. Dislikes can spark discussions in the comments, which is also good for engagement.

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