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Should I Create a Separate Channel for Shorts or Keep Them on My Current Channel?

I'm contemplating whether to create a new YouTube channel specifically for #Shorts or to incorporate them into my existing travel channel. I've received some feedback suggesting both approaches, but I'm seeking more insights on the best practice for maximizing engagement and growth.

Answers (3)

One concern with creating a separate channel is that it can dilute your audience. With Shorts, you might find that they attract a different demographic. If these viewers only subscribe to your Shorts channel, you may miss out on converting them into followers of your main travel content.
I think keeping your Shorts on your current channel is a smart move. It allows your existing audience to engage with all your content in one place. If your Shorts resonate with viewers, they might be more inclined to subscribe and check out your longer videos.
Another reason to keep Shorts on your main channel is the potential for cross-promotion. If your Shorts get popular, they can drive traffic to your longer videos, making it easier to build a cohesive brand around your travel content.

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