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What are some of the weirdest comments you've received on your videos?

As a content creator, I've encountered some truly bizarre comments on my videos. Whether it's compliments that seem out of place or downright confusing interactions, it can be a wild ride. I'm curious to hear about the strangest comments you've all experienced on your channels!

Answers (6)

When I shared a video about soccer, I got a similar comment about my legs, with someone calling me 'daddy'. It’s amusing how people can project their fantasies onto something as innocent as sports content. It just goes to show that there are lonely individuals out there who find attraction in the most mundane things.
One of the funniest comment threads I witnessed was not directed at me but involved two users arguing about Zack Snyder in a video that had nothing to do with him. They went back and forth, launching insults and accusations, which escalated into a mini-essay about cults. It was surreal to see such passion over a topic completely unrelated to the video at hand.
One of the weirdest comments I received was from a viewer who seemed to have a fixation on my legs. I had posted a video showcasing my micro camper, and suddenly, someone commented on my 'nice legs'. It caught me off guard and made me realize how people can focus on the strangest details. It's funny and a bit unsettling at the same time!
I once received a comment on Instagram that simply said, 'You are chubby.' I found it hilarious and responded by thanking the commenter for their observation and pointing out their hair color. It’s a classic case of people thinking their comments hold weight, but really, they often come off as clueless or rude.
Another odd comment came from someone who had been following my channel for years. They were frustrated that I stopped talking about a house I mentioned once, and they accused me of being the kind of creator who only cares about views. It was bizarre because they were still subscribed, waiting for me to return to that topic. It feels strange when someone is so invested in a single comment from years ago!

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