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Why Do My YouTube Shorts Get a Consistent but Low Number of Views?

I've been posting YouTube shorts consistently to promote my long-form content, but I've noticed that each short I upload tends to get the same range of views, around 450-500. Even when the engagement seems decent—like a good watch percentage—after a few hours, the views flatline. What could be causing this pattern?

Answers (6)

I’ve noticed that sometimes YouTube shows my content to the wrong audience. Even if my long-form videos are performing well, my shorts can still struggle. It's a good idea to stay persistent and keep experimenting with different content types until you find what resonates best with your audience.
I've had shorts that received varying views, but I consistently see around 150 to 500 views. My shorts often highlight my gaming challenges, and I think the niche can play a big role in engagement. If your content resonates well with a specific audience, it might perform better in the long run.
When I started posting shorts, I noticed a similar trend. Some of my videos did better than long-form content, but they still flatlined after a while. It's puzzling because even with decent engagement metrics, the views just stop coming. It may take time for YouTube to find the right audience for your shorts.
In my experience, YouTube seems to give your shorts a 'seed audience' based on initial performance. If your videos flatline, it often indicates that YouTube's test audience didn't find the content engaging enough. This could mean you need to work on making your shorts more captivating or consider that the audience for shorts may differ from your long-form viewers.
It’s important to realize that your shorts and long-form content may attract different audiences. Sometimes, it takes a while for YouTube to calibrate and show your shorts to the audience that will appreciate them. During this time, keep uploading and experimenting with different styles of content.

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