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Why did I get flagged for reused content on YouTube?

I recently got monetized on YouTube, but now I've lost my YPP privileges due to a reused content flag. I mostly create original content, editing my videos with OBS and Kinemaster. I'm confused about what led to this situation and what steps I can take to resolve it.

Answers (6)

The process can feel overwhelming, but reaching out to YouTube support is crucial. It's not uncommon for creators to experience this, and many have successfully resolved similar issues by being persistent and providing clear evidence of their original content.
I faced a similar issue when I streamed gameplay with my commentary. Even though I was using my own footage, I was flagged because the gameplay itself was considered too common. The key takeaway here is to add a personal touch, like your unique insights or reactions, which can help differentiate your content from others who might be playing the same game.
When I had an issue with reused content, I learned that it’s essential to show YouTube that you’re creating original work. I made a detailed appeal, showcasing my editing process and the software I used, similar to what you're doing. This can help human reviewers understand your content better than automated systems might.
It's frustrating when you put in the effort to create content, only to face issues like this. From my experience, reused content can sometimes be flagged if YouTube's algorithm detects that your videos are too similar to each other or if they don't provide enough original commentary or value. One way to avoid this is to ensure that each video has unique elements, even if they cover similar topics.
I understand the frustration of not knowing which specific video caused the flag. I went through a similar situation where I had to reach out to YouTube support to clarify the issue. It’s a good idea to ask them directly which video triggered the flag, as that can help you understand what to avoid in the future.

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