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Do You Enjoy Your Own Videos and Do You Like Them?

As a content creator, I often find myself questioning whether I genuinely enjoy my own videos. Do you guys find satisfaction in your work? Do you hit the like button on your own videos, or do you refrain from doing so? I'm curious about how others feel about their content and whether it affects how they perceive their success.

Answers (3)

I find myself enjoying my videos when I feel my editing and voiceovers are on point. However, I can't help but feel a bit cringey listening to my own voice at times. I think it's a common struggle for many creators; we see the flaws in our own work that others might not notice. Despite this, I do appreciate my efforts in those videos where I feel I nailed it.
I really enjoy my recent videos. I've put a lot of effort into them, and it feels rewarding when I see the final product come together. However, looking back at my older videos, I find them cringeworthy and almost unwatchable. It's tough to think about others seeing those, and I'm even considering making some of them private because I want my channel to reflect quality content that I'm proud of.
For me, it's all about self-affirmation. I used to like my videos on an alternative account because I wanted to give myself a little boost. I believe that if you take the time to create something, no matter how small, you should be proud of it and support it in any way you can. YouTube allows this, so why not use it to feel good about what you've created?

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