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Should You Ask Viewers to Like, Share, and Subscribe in Your Videos?

As a content creator, I'm often torn about whether to explicitly ask my audience to like, share, and subscribe. Does it actually work, or does it come off as desperate? What are the best practices for integrating these requests into my videos?

Answers (5)

I personally prefer to use a subtle popup for reminders. I avoid those massive popups that dominate the screen; instead, I opt for something smaller that blends with the video. This way, I can remind viewers without being overly intrusive or annoying.
I’m not a fan of asking viewers to like and subscribe at all. To me, it feels a bit desperate and can turn viewers off. I believe that if your content is good, people will naturally want to engage without needing to be prompted.
I usually ask for likes and subscriptions at the end of my videos. I believe that if viewers enjoyed the content, they'll naturally want to support me by liking or subscribing. By waiting until the end, I give them the chance to make that choice on their own, and if they forget, my reminder can jog their memory.
I do include a reminder in my videos, but I keep it light and casual. I'll say something like, 'If you're enjoying the content, feel free to hit that subscribe button and the notification bell so you don’t miss my weekly episodes.' Then I smoothly transition back to the main content. This way, it feels less like a demand and more like a friendly suggestion.
If you find it awkward to ask for likes and subscriptions, consider adding popups during editing. This way, you can subtly remind viewers without directly asking. It’s a more organic approach that keeps the flow of the video intact while still encouraging engagement.

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