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How should I address an incorrect statement I made in my video?

I recently posted a video and someone pointed out a mistake I made in the comments. I'm considering my options for addressing this error. Should I correct it in the comments, make a new video, or edit the video description? What have others done in similar situations?

Answers (5)

One approach that I've found effective is creating a follow-up video specifically addressing the mistake. This not only corrects the error but also engages your audience by showing them that you value their input. For instance, I once watched a series by Extra History that dedicated an 'errata' segment to clarify points raised by viewers. It can turn a mistake into a learning opportunity for both you and your audience.
If the feedback you receive is reasonable, it's important to acknowledge it while maintaining your own principles. You don’t have to change your stance if you believe your original point is valid. However, showing appreciation for constructive criticism can enhance your credibility.
Another strategy is to simply acknowledge the mistake directly in the comments section. Expressing gratitude for the correction can foster a positive community atmosphere. I've done this myself; when someone pointed out an error, I thanked them in the comments and let them know I appreciate their feedback.
If the error is minor, updating the video description can be a quick and effective solution. I once had a small mistake in a video, and instead of re-editing or making a fuss, I just added a correction in the description and thanked the commenter by name. This way, anyone who reads the description can see the update without needing to watch a new video.
Engaging with the comment section can also lead to more interactions. Some creators intentionally make minor mistakes to boost engagement. While this isn't the most ethical approach, it does highlight how correcting mistakes can lead to increased comments and discussions on your videos.

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