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What happens to your earned revenue after demonetization on YouTube?

If you've recently been demonetized after earning revenue on YouTube, you might be wondering about the fate of your earnings that you haven't yet received. I started my channel two months ago, became a partner last month, and earned over $1200. However, I received an email saying I'm no longer eligible for monetization. I'm currently appealing the decision. What happens to that earned revenue?

Answers (4)

In my experience and from what I've gathered, if you get demonetized before receiving your earnings, YouTube typically won’t claw back money that you’ve already earned but haven’t been paid yet. This means that while you might not receive the payout, they can't take back what you’ve already earned from your account.
It's a tough situation, especially since I’ve heard mixed responses about this. Some creators have reported losing substantial amounts after demonetization, and others have mentioned they simply never received their earnings. It’s important to note that YouTube's payment structure leads to a delay, and you might have to wait up to 90 days for your earnings to process.
When I faced a similar issue, I found out that YouTube's policies can feel a bit unfair. Even if you've worked hard and earned a certain amount, if you're demonetized, it can feel like all that effort was for nothing. They have the right to deny payment based on their guidelines, and unfortunately, there's not much recourse unless you can successfully appeal.
I understand your frustration. I once lost out on a significant amount of money due to demonetization too. Even though I was eligible to earn it, once the ban came, it was like I had to pretend that money never existed. It’s mentally challenging but sometimes focusing on future content can help.

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