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What is the ideal length for gameplay videos in the Let's Play niche?

As a content creator in the Let's Play niche, I often find myself questioning the ideal length for my gameplay videos. Currently, I'm editing down my recordings to focus on the most entertaining parts, and I'm considering whether to aim for a longer, more cohesive video or to split it into shorter episodes. What do you think is the best approach when it comes to video length?

Answers (4)

From my experience with a small Let's Play channel, I found that a coherent 35-minute video often performs better than splitting it into two shorter 18-minute episodes. Viewers may not return for the second part, and they might find the first part lacking context. After experimenting, I discovered that my audience preferred longer videos, so I adjusted my length based on their feedback.
I strive for videos around 20 minutes that tell a good story—both the game's narrative and an overarching video narrative. It's crucial for me to cut out the boring parts, like grinding or gathering, to maintain the flow. A 35-minute video can absolutely work if it keeps the audience engaged throughout, but I always prioritize storytelling.
In my gameplay videos, I usually aim for around 15-30 minutes, but I cut my recordings at the 1-hour mark because I think that's a reasonable limit. I find that most people don’t want to watch something longer than that. However, it's important to remember that the final cut is often much shorter, so I still have room to create engaging content within that timeframe.
I believe that focusing on a cohesive narrative is key. When I record, I set a clear goal for what I want to achieve in the video, and I let the length be dictated by that goal. For me, longer videos can be great because they allow for a more complete story, and I've noticed that some viewers enjoy longer content, especially if it's engaging enough to keep them watching.

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