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Why do my YouTube Shorts stop gaining views after reaching 500?

I've been running a fitness YouTube account and have noticed a pattern where my Shorts seem to hit a wall at around 500 views. Despite having a few videos that exceeded 10k views and a solid view-to-swipe ratio, my last 9 Shorts have all stalled at this point. What strategies can I use to overcome this issue and keep my content being pushed by the algorithm?

Answers (3)

You're spot on about the challenge of the algorithm; it can be especially unpredictable in saturated niches like fitness. I've noticed that the algorithm seems to favor newer content once a video reaches a certain view threshold. To combat this, I recommend focusing on consistent uploads and perhaps even diversifying into longer-form content. Engage your audience with a mix of Shorts and full-length videos to keep them coming back.
Make sure to keep an eye on your view-to-swipe ratio. Ideally, you want to aim for at least 70%. If your ratio is lower, it might be limiting your visibility. I've had Shorts with a swipe ratio over 80%, and those often went viral, surpassing millions of views. So, if you notice a dip in this ratio, it might be worth tweaking your content to make it more engaging.
I totally relate to your struggle with the YouTube algorithm, especially with Shorts. One thing I found helpful was to switch up my content slightly. Even if you're focused on fitness, try exploring different angles or formats. For instance, if you typically post workout tips, maybe create a short on fitness myths or quick nutrition hacks. This change can help attract a new audience while retaining your existing viewers.

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